Controls: W,D and arrow keys

In this game, which is an endless runner, the player controls a whale that was living peacefully until it began to chase a fish and became lost. In an underwater city, a shark finds himself surrounded by rubbish piles. Suddenly, the trash starts dropping, and the shark has to start avoiding the trash bags and running away from them. This game was made to spread awareness of the impact of ocean pollution on marine life, climate change, and the amount of rubbish that is piling up in the ocean.


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The character's animation is very smooth and the models look well made. The setting and theme clearly links to the brief of climate change.

One thing that could be improved is making the obstacles stand out more, I found it difficult at first to tell what was an obstacle since they blend in with the decoration.

the coral and whale character create a great, interesting environment for an endless runner. the croaded world around the player really shows the effects of ocean pollution. one thing i think you could have added is different obstacle varients and maybe make the obstacles more visable. overall, i love the was you have chosed to represent climate change and help people understand the effects on other environments and the bright colours of the coral is a great contrast to the dull coloured building further showing the effects of climate change to the environment


  • Nice world creation - showed clear effort in making assets and the background overall
  • Game fits the theme of climate change well and clearly conveys the message about waste and the harm it has done to the oceans
  • The character being a shark helps to make it clear that the game is underwater 

areas to improve:

  • Obstacles are hard to notice. Changing the colour could be a nice way to make it stand out
  • Would be nice to include a countdown before the character starts moving
  • The shark moving faster would have helped the game feel more enjoyable to play

Overall, your game shows the message you are trying to covey well, but has some areas for improvement to be more enjoyable to play

(3 edits)

I really like the character animations and the map overall. The 3D modelled coral looks particularly neat and adds to the environment.

I would say add some sort of collectable, and speed up the character a bit because it's quite slow. I also couldn't immediately tell what the obstacles were. I only identified that they were obstacles when I bumped into one. There's a lot going on in the map and I think that's what caused the obstacles to blend with it and become difficult to identify as such, so it was difficult to tell what was obstacle and what was background at first, so I'd suggest perhaps making the obstacles look more distinguishable from the background. Perhaps move the background trash bag piles a bit further away from the track so it doesn't confuse the player. Or alternatively, and this might work a little more effectively, make the trash bag obstacles spin or bob up and down. That'll probably help the player to see that they're obstacles.

high points:

  • the character, animation, 3d assets, and overall art style blend together really well to clearly portray an underwater city
  • the overall concept of the game is unique and very relevant to the brief

suggested improvements:

  • the player's movement is quite slow, so increasing the speed or accelerating it over time (similar to existing endless runners) could make the gameplay more challenging
  • adding a distance counter as part of the UI could allow players to keep track of their score